ESG Management of Your Portfolios
Patented ESG Rating
Exclusive ESG rating algorithm, designed to rigorously assess the ESG performance of listed companies.
Regulatory Compliance
Complete management of regulatory requirements such as PRIIPS, DDA2, MIFID, CSRD, and GDPR.
API & Data Analytics
Powerful data analysis tools and robust API for smooth integration and optimal ESG information use.
Secure Data
Data protection with advanced security technologies, ensuring confidentiality and integrity at every step.
How does it work?
Connect your tools
to our API
Connect your portfolios and funds anonymously and securely.
Secure Data
Confidential and secure retrieval of your portfolios.
Automated and Compliant
ESG Rating
Proprietary algorithm assigning a precise and standardized ESG rating.
Automatic Customized
ESG Reports
Generate tailored ESG reports for your clients and teams.
Manage Your Portfolios
- Real-time ESG performance tracking
- Automated ESG risk assessment
- Multi-source ESG data aggregation
- Custom ESG reporting
- Optimization of financial and ESG performance
Who are you?
Connect our API plugin to your management tools
The Majors® plugin can be directly integrated into your management tools to meet your ESG rating obligations and track the performance of your various stakeholders.
Use the Majors® Suite for your daily management
The Majors® Suite is the ideal tool to simplify and optimize your daily management through wealth tracking, CRM, ESG tracking, risk assessment, and financial asset aggregation. The Majors® Suite allows you to focus on what really matters: your clients and their wealth.
Ready to get started?
Try our plugin